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Oral-Conscious Sedation

Oral-Conscious Sedation in Houston, TX

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The Woodlands, TX Accredited Cosmetic Dentist, Dr. Lewis and Periodontist, Dr. Atabakhsh offer their patients sedation options to reduce their fears and help them relax during their visit with oral-conscious sedation. Going to the dentist can sometimes cause such high levels of anxiety and fear in some patients that they avoid the dentist for routine maintenance and emergency care.

Before the appointment for treatment, a patient prescribed oral conscious sedation will take a small pill or tablet (picked up from their personal pharmacy) about an hour before the dental appointment. This type of sedation helps to promote relaxation and calmness. Oral-conscious sedation does not provide pain relief; instead, patients are relaxed when they arrive at our office and then the anesthetic is administered. Many patients are unaware when the anesthetic is administered. The sedative effect may last for several hours after the procedure. It will not be safe to drive home after taking the medication for this type of sedation. Call and talk to one of our friendly treatment consultants to learn more about oral-conscious sedation during your next appointment.


Prior to the procedure, the dentist will give the patient a prescription for medication to fill at their pharmacy and take before the procedure. The pill is typically taken up to an hour before the procedure to give the patient time to relax and get comfortable. The sedation level for oral-conscious sedation ranges between light and moderate. Patients undergoing less invasive procedures will receive a light sedation that allows them to simply relax, while remaining awake. Patients who are undergoing more complex or lengthy procedures will be given a heavier dose of medication, but the patient will remain awake and relaxed. It is also common that patients undergoing moderate sedation fall asleep, but most are easily woken up with a gentle nudge.

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Conscious Sedation FAQs

How Long Does It Last?

The affect of oral conscious sedation depends on the dose given to the patient. The dentist or anesthesiologist will estimate a safe dosage based on the patient’s height, weight, age, and the length of the procedure.

Can I Drive Home?

The dentist will discuss the amount of medication needed with the patient during their consultation and let the patient know if they will need to arrange for a responsible adult to take them home.

Is It Safe?

Oral-conscious sedation is a safe, calming method that has been used to help many patients safely relax during their dental visit. This treatment is used routinely in patients who have trouble relaxing and undergoing dental treatment or if they have a large amount of dental work being done.

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Safe Sedation Options

We offer our patients in The Woodlands, TX the option of oral-conscious sedation to help rid them of their anxiety and fear as well as give them the level of relaxation they need to get through their visit. If you have trouble visiting the dentist, call our office to discuss the benefits of oral-conscious sedation and if it’s right for you.

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