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Emergency Care

Dental Visits in Houston, TX

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We understand at the Texas Center for Cosmetic Dentistry that dental emergencies unfortunately happen. Our Cosmetic Dentists, Dr. Lewis, and Dr. Atabakhsh, offers emergency dentistry options for patients of all ages when an issue arises. There are numerous dental issues that unexpectedly arise that need to be treated quickly, such as a toothache, a tooth that falls out, or an issue with a broken dental restoration. We offer a number of emergency dentistry options to get patients back to their normal activities as soon as possible. Don't delay your treatment or suffer in pain. Let us look at your dental emergency in our Houston or The Woodlands, TX office to prevent more extensive problems and to get you back to your daily life.


Some of the common dental emergencies we treat are:

  • Tooth damage, such as a tooth crack or chip
  • Tooth loss
  • Tooth pain
  • Tooth infection
  • Abscesses
  • Swollen gums
  • Mouth cuts
  • Broken dentures
  • Lost crowns, fillings, or other restoration treatments that require replacement
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Emergency Visit FAQs

What if I lost a Filling?

We can help if you have lost a filling. On the bright side, emergency dentistry may lend the opportunity for you to bring your mouth’s appearance up-to-date with more aesthetically pleasing dental materials, such as composite tooth-colored dental fillings instead of metal fillings. In other cases, dental bonding works well for small chips and cracks and dental veneers can protect weakened tooth structures.

What if I Lost a whole Tooth?

If you have lost a whole tooth, please bring it with you to the appointment. Our experienced dentists may try to place the tooth back into its socket. In this instance, see a dentist right away. 

Can you Fix it today?

Initially, your dentist may only treat you with prescription-strength analgesics and/or antibiotics to provide immediate relief until you can be treated during regular office hours. 


If you’re struck with an emergency dental issue, don’t wait. Waiting can only make matters worse and lead to costlier, more extensive procedures down the road. Our office is conveniently located in The Woodlands, TX. Call our office today and we will be happy to get you scheduled during our regular office hours.

*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.